Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Teachers' Meeting, Chapel and More

1. I met with the teachers this morning.  They confirmed the times for the jog-a-thon as 1-2pm for K-4th and 2-3pm for 5-8th.  We are setting aside one hour to accommodate getting the kids out to the park, pinning on their running bibs, instructions, lots of jogging and a little time for celebrating.   Melissa U. will be overseeing the day of the jog-a-thon schedule of set up, jog-a-thons and clean up.

Schedule for the day of the jog-a-thon:
12-1pm  Set Up (See below)
1-2pm    K-4th
2-3pm    5-8th
3-4pm    Clean Up (Taking everything back into the school and making sure it is back to original condition and place)
Set Up Includes
  • Two tables set up at park
  • Two cement tubes set up at park to create a finish line
  • Oranges cut and placed on trays
  • Gatorade orange jug filled with water
  • Cups placed on tables full of water
  • Portable sound system at park and operable  (Mr. Herold has offered some "Olympic Music")
  • Decorating
  • Trash can set up at park
2. I got to promote the jog-a-thon at chapel.  I used one package of the Wild Bands... to get the kids excited... and well, it worked!  I got their interest by randomly handing out the bands and by revealing the two huge gift cards.  I asked students how they could get pledges and why we are raising money.

3. We will be asking middle school students to promote the jog-a-thon before and after school by simply carrying signs that promote the jog-a-thon.  Maybe we could get some pom-poms and a panther mascot, too?

4. I would like to promote the jog-a-thon by putting a sign in the upstairs library window.  Contact me if you would be willing to take this project.

5. We will publicize that the last day to turn in pledges to be counted towards winning a prize will be Friday, October 22nd.

6. The teachers agreed to create posters to promote class motivation.

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