Monday, October 11, 2010

The "mini" Jog-a-thon was a Success!

We had perfect weather for the "mini" jog-a-thon.  Set up was quick and we had a couple parents who offered their help.  Since the ground was still wet, the kids ran around a little loop at the playground.

But the best part?  Almost every other class (because they were outside for recess) got to see us set up for the "mini" jog-a-thon which made kids talk all the more about it.

We had balloons, racing bibs, 5 - "silly" (wild) bandz per child per lap (but most kids did more than 5 laps!), water cups which the kids got to throw on the ground just like a real race, balloons, orange slices, wet wipes for sticky fingers, red masking tape, music, orange gatorade jug, table, trash can and cones.

Thoughts after the fact...
I really really really wish I had ribbons or medals to give to the kids. 
Make sure to remind kids to wear school colors.
Publicize at Elsie Stuhr Center.
A balloon arch is difficult to do outside with a little wind.

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