We had an AWESOME 1st Annual Jog-a-thon!
Collect your pledge money and turn it in anytime this week to be eligible for top earner prizes AND to help your class win a party. All students who participated in the fund raising will be receiving a one-of-a-kind water bottle with the new school logo! And they will be part of a drawing for additional prizes including more silly bandz!
We are keeping track of each student so feel free to turn in whatever money you have already received so that we can keep the tally going. So far we have raised $3,888! (As of 10/18/10.) This is with only 44 students turning in their money so far. That’s over $80 per student! We are well on our way to our goal of $11,000!
Top Earner Prizes for preK-4th grade receives a $50 Target gift card. 2nd Place - $25 Target gift card. 3rd Place - $10 Target gift card.
Top Earner Prizes for 5-8th grade receives a $50 American Express card. 2nd Place - $25 card. 3rd Place - $10 card.
Other important dates:
10/20 – PTL Meeting at 8:10am in the lunchroom
10/22 – Last day to turn in donations to be eligible for prizes
10/26 – Open School Board Meeting at 6pm. PTL will be hosting a mini-meeting with light refreshments starting at 5:45pm.
10/27 – Jog-a-thon Celebration Assembly at 2:25pm
Monday, October 18, 2010
Motivating the Kids
Thanks to Sheri M. for her creativity to motivate the kids!
Everyday we are receiving packets filled with donations. It is very exciting to see how everyone is getting involved. To motivate the kids, Sheri M. put together this fun display of a runner who is aiming for the finish line of $11,000. Stop by the atrium to check it out! And some photos, too!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
An Amazing Day
Yesterday was an amazing success. I can't wait to tell you more about it... but I've been busy typing in the donations received.
We have begun to receive donations from the pledges for the jog-a-thon. With 38 students participating so far, our total received is $3,086. That's over $80 per child. How exciting!
A couple thoughts...
1. Mr. Boeder is willing to do something "embarrassing" or "extreme" if we reach our $11,000 goal. He wants suggestions. One thought was to have him serve lunch to all the kids. Wouldn't they love that?! Let me know your ideas and we'll present them to him. This will help us to promote closing the gap between our goal.
2. We'll be having a celebration assembly on Wednesday, October 27th from 2:25-2:55. There will be a 5 minute slideshow with music. We will hand out the grand prizes. We will give teachers the gifts (water bottles) for each student who gave a pledge of any amount.
3. A sign will be put up in the atrium showing how far we have to get to our goal.
4. A form will go out to the teachers to find out their input in regards to the jog-a-thon.
If you have any ideas on how to motivate the kids to bring in their completed pledge envelopes, let me know!
We have begun to receive donations from the pledges for the jog-a-thon. With 38 students participating so far, our total received is $3,086. That's over $80 per child. How exciting!
A couple thoughts...
1. Mr. Boeder is willing to do something "embarrassing" or "extreme" if we reach our $11,000 goal. He wants suggestions. One thought was to have him serve lunch to all the kids. Wouldn't they love that?! Let me know your ideas and we'll present them to him. This will help us to promote closing the gap between our goal.
2. We'll be having a celebration assembly on Wednesday, October 27th from 2:25-2:55. There will be a 5 minute slideshow with music. We will hand out the grand prizes. We will give teachers the gifts (water bottles) for each student who gave a pledge of any amount.
3. A sign will be put up in the atrium showing how far we have to get to our goal.
4. A form will go out to the teachers to find out their input in regards to the jog-a-thon.
If you have any ideas on how to motivate the kids to bring in their completed pledge envelopes, let me know!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Today is the Jog-a-thon!!!
TODAY is the big day!!
The jog-a-thon fundraiser starts today at 1:00 for grades K-4 and
at 2:00 for grades 5-8.
Wear school colors to show your spirit!
Keep getting those pledges--pledges are due October 22.
Let's make this fundraiser the best one yet!
Let's make this fundraiser the best one yet!
Together we CAN reach our goal of $11,000.
Go Panthers!
Go Panthers!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Next Year...
Incentivize the students to bring in their envelopes on the day of the jog-a-thon. Complete and ready to go.
Try and figure out what the next "silly band" craze will be in time to take advantage of it.
Upper grade students are more reluctant to ask for pledges. I am wondering if this has to do with the fact that as we get older... people find it easier to tell us no? (or does it have to do with possibly feeling rejected?) Is there just a plain "cute" factor for the younger kids? ~~ We should review what pledges come in for upper grades... perhaps there are other ways for them to help with the jog-a-thon.
Try and figure out what the next "silly band" craze will be in time to take advantage of it.
Upper grade students are more reluctant to ask for pledges. I am wondering if this has to do with the fact that as we get older... people find it easier to tell us no? (or does it have to do with possibly feeling rejected?) Is there just a plain "cute" factor for the younger kids? ~~ We should review what pledges come in for upper grades... perhaps there are other ways for them to help with the jog-a-thon.
Tomorrow is the Jog-a-thon!
Kindergarten Pride
Details for volunteering tomorrow...
Lisa A. agreed to cut the oranges and put them in containers and fill two gatorade jugs with water. (She's helping in the kitchen tomorrow.)
Melissa U. - Field set up and jog-a-thon supervision. Lisa A. agreed to cut the oranges and put them in containers and fill two gatorade jugs with water. (She's helping in the kitchen tomorrow.)
Items that need to be moved to the field:
- Two tables
- Gatorade jugs
- Oranges
- Wipes
- Cups
- Trash can
- Sound system
During the jog-a-thon:
- Someone to oversee the silly bands. 5 per child total. One per child per first five laps.
- Someone to oversee the water cups. Keeping them filled and handing them out. Teachers could help with this if necessary.
- Someone to get enough pins to each class to pin on bibs.
12-1pm set up
1-2pm K-4th jog-a-thon
2-3pm 5-8th jog-a-thon
Clean up
All times are approximate.
First 20 minutes. The kids will come out at the top of the hour. They will be given bibs and pins. We'll get a picture of each class. Give instructions.
Next 20 minutes. Let them run.
Final 20 minutes. Oranges, clean up, and back to class.
Considering how the mini jog-a-thon went, we should be able to clean up in the last twenty minutes and be done before the end of school.
Thanks for all of your help and consideration.
I think this should be a fun day for everyone.
Notes for Next Year
Don't forget that all pledges are Tax Deductible! and 100% of the pledges benefits the students!
For those of you who are new to Pilgrim Lutheran School, this is our first jog-a-thon. In the past we have sold gift wrap as a fund-raiser. Last year we sold over $10,000 worth of "gift wrap" and received half of that back as profit. Not only is Pilgrim Lutheran School new to jog-a-thons... so am I. So every now and then you will see that I am writing notes to remind us what we might consider doing differently next year.
This is one of those posts.
I'm not sure what I was thinking... but I just realized that I only had one... one!? jog-a-thon committee meeting. I have been meeting with different groups of parents, staff and teachers, but bringing all of these groups together would have been much wiser. Next year, committee meetings should be scheduled and publicized ahead of time.
We have been collecting donations for the jog-a-thon so that every dollar goes directly to the students' education, field trips and fun. I think it would be good idea to have someone be in charge of procurement for the jog-a-thon. Which reminds me that I should get out donation receipts to those who have already donated items to the jog-a-thon. So far our donations include:
For those of you who are new to Pilgrim Lutheran School, this is our first jog-a-thon. In the past we have sold gift wrap as a fund-raiser. Last year we sold over $10,000 worth of "gift wrap" and received half of that back as profit. Not only is Pilgrim Lutheran School new to jog-a-thons... so am I. So every now and then you will see that I am writing notes to remind us what we might consider doing differently next year.
This is one of those posts.
I'm not sure what I was thinking... but I just realized that I only had one... one!? jog-a-thon committee meeting. I have been meeting with different groups of parents, staff and teachers, but bringing all of these groups together would have been much wiser. Next year, committee meetings should be scheduled and publicized ahead of time.
We have been collecting donations for the jog-a-thon so that every dollar goes directly to the students' education, field trips and fun. I think it would be good idea to have someone be in charge of procurement for the jog-a-thon. Which reminds me that I should get out donation receipts to those who have already donated items to the jog-a-thon. So far our donations include:
- $50 Target Gift Card
- $50 Amex Gift Card
- Almost 1,000 "Silly" Bandz (Wild Bands)
- Box of oranges
- Racing Bib numbers
- Prizes: Soccer balls and toys
- Poster supplies
- Stationery supplies (envelopes, paper) donated by church and school office
- Reusable Logo Water Bottles
- $25 Target Gift Card
Monday, October 11, 2010
Recently posted on Facebook
Recently posted on Facebook by a Pilgrim Lutheran School Parent:
My child's school is having their first annual Jog-A-Thon this week. So exciting to see how much the kiddos are looking forward to it. If you would like to give a flat donation ($5 would be so wonderful!) to my child in support of this event and Pilgrim Lutheran School, we would all truly appreciate it. Please write in the comment box and I will connect with you. I will reciprocate when your child has a fundraiser!!!
My child's school is having their first annual Jog-A-Thon this week. So exciting to see how much the kiddos are looking forward to it. If you would like to give a flat donation ($5 would be so wonderful!) to my child in support of this event and Pilgrim Lutheran School, we would all truly appreciate it. Please write in the comment box and I will connect with you. I will reciprocate when your child has a fundraiser!!!
Truman has the best smile!
(His mommy gave me permission to post this picture.)
I saw Truman today after school and thought...
this was one amazing marketing minded teacher!
The "mini" Jog-a-thon was a Success!
We had perfect weather for the "mini" jog-a-thon. Set up was quick and we had a couple parents who offered their help. Since the ground was still wet, the kids ran around a little loop at the playground.
But the best part? Almost every other class (because they were outside for recess) got to see us set up for the "mini" jog-a-thon which made kids talk all the more about it.
We had balloons, racing bibs, 5 - "silly" (wild) bandz per child per lap (but most kids did more than 5 laps!), water cups which the kids got to throw on the ground just like a real race, balloons, orange slices, wet wipes for sticky fingers, red masking tape, music, orange gatorade jug, table, trash can and cones.
Thoughts after the fact...
I really really really wish I had ribbons or medals to give to the kids.
Make sure to remind kids to wear school colors.
Publicize at Elsie Stuhr Center.
A balloon arch is difficult to do outside with a little wind.
Fifth Grade is Going to be Fantastically Fast!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Racing Bibs for "mini" Jog-a-thon
Since the racing bibs won't be ready in time for the "mini" jog-a-thon on Monday, I used the racing bib template and printed up bibs for the preschoolers. I used waterproof inkjet paper and they turned out pretty nice. Might be an option for next year for us to print the bibs ourselves.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Monday is the Preschool "mini" Jog-a-thon
Monday, October 11th will be the "mini" jog-a-thon. Preschool has a field trip on Wednesday, so we will hold their jog-a-thon this Monday at 10:30am. I say "mini" because there are only 19 students... well, and they are kind of smaller. And definitely ADORABLE!!!
Weather: Sunny and a high of 61 degrees.
We'll need some help with
Weather: Sunny and a high of 61 degrees.
We'll need some help with
cutting up oranges and filling water cupsSchedule:
taking photos
and basically herding the precious little angels
9:45 - 10:30am Set UpIf you can help on Monday, please let me know... or just show up!
10:30 - 11:00am Mini Jog-a-thon
11:00 - 11:30am Clean Up
Let's Make Tracks!
this Wednesday, October 13th!
We want to make our first annual Jog-a-Thon G-R-E-A-T!
We have a fun afternoon planned for all the students!
Keep working on getting your donations
and remember we have some great prizes
for the students who bring in the most donations.
All students are encouraged to raise at least $75.
You can do it! Help us make our goal of $11,000!!
And best of all,
100% of the money raised by YOU benefits YOU!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Teachers' Meeting, Chapel and More
1. I met with the teachers this morning. They confirmed the times for the jog-a-thon as 1-2pm for K-4th and 2-3pm for 5-8th. We are setting aside one hour to accommodate getting the kids out to the park, pinning on their running bibs, instructions, lots of jogging and a little time for celebrating. Melissa U. will be overseeing the day of the jog-a-thon schedule of set up, jog-a-thons and clean up.
Schedule for the day of the jog-a-thon:
3. We will be asking middle school students to promote the jog-a-thon before and after school by simply carrying signs that promote the jog-a-thon. Maybe we could get some pom-poms and a panther mascot, too?
4. I would like to promote the jog-a-thon by putting a sign in the upstairs library window. Contact me if you would be willing to take this project.
5. We will publicize that the last day to turn in pledges to be counted towards winning a prize will be Friday, October 22nd.
6. The teachers agreed to create posters to promote class motivation.
Schedule for the day of the jog-a-thon:
12-1pm Set Up (See below)Set Up Includes
1-2pm K-4th
2-3pm 5-8th
3-4pm Clean Up (Taking everything back into the school and making sure it is back to original condition and place)
- Two tables set up at park
- Two cement tubes set up at park to create a finish line
- Oranges cut and placed on trays
- Gatorade orange jug filled with water
- Cups placed on tables full of water
- Portable sound system at park and operable (Mr. Herold has offered some "Olympic Music")
- Decorating
- Trash can set up at park
3. We will be asking middle school students to promote the jog-a-thon before and after school by simply carrying signs that promote the jog-a-thon. Maybe we could get some pom-poms and a panther mascot, too?
4. I would like to promote the jog-a-thon by putting a sign in the upstairs library window. Contact me if you would be willing to take this project.
5. We will publicize that the last day to turn in pledges to be counted towards winning a prize will be Friday, October 22nd.
6. The teachers agreed to create posters to promote class motivation.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
"Donation Day"!
I had too much fun making these giant gift cards.
Well, I think I will call today "Donation Day"! One generous donor delivered a $50 Target Card which will be awarded to the K-4th grader that raises the most donations. And a $50 Amex Card which will be awarded to the 5-8th grader that raises the most donations. (As opposed to the Toys R Us and Mall gift card that I mentioned previously.)
The kids are going to enjoy these huge gift card props tomorrow!
I about cried today when I went to pick up Christopher and this box of Wild Bands was waiting for me as a donation from another generous parent. We'll be giving out individual Wild Bands while the kids are running their laps.
We also have a donation of oranges. Thanks!
I didn't realize how expensive participant ribbons would be. About 30 cents each! I could get plastic medals for that price. We are still looking into running bibs, too. If these don't work out, we will make them... or use a grease pen to mark the kids?
I think we will ask everyone to dress in school colors... red, black and white. This will look great in photos.
My schedule tomorrow is to meet with the teachers in the morning...hang out for chapel announcements and promote the jog-a-thon... and get a sign-up sheet for the day of the jog-a-thon.
Would anyone be willing to make little jog-a-thon reminder sheets that we could put on the doors of the school?
I also need to put something in the Panther, too... so if you are creative with words and would like to create a blurb... let me know!
Thank you to everyone who has let me know that they would like to help on the day of the jog-a-thon. I think it is going to be a very fun day!
As always, I appreciate your input... comments... generosity... volunteerism!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Updates for October 4th
I will be able to meet with the teachers on Wednesday morning to discuss the jog-a-thon. I will be discussing the timing of the events (My ideal time frame would be K-4 from 1-2pm and 5-8 from 2-3pm.); class spirit posters; and foul weather plans. Please let me know if you feel there is anything else I should bring up. Once I meet with the teachers and have times established for the jog-a-thon, I will create a sign-up sheet for parent volunteers.
We have received a generous donation of "silly bandz" (different brand). I have asked for approximately 5 per student. These bands will be given out perhaps per lap.
Our generous donor of re-usable water bottles will not be able to have them delivered until at least 10/22/10. I think we should have a celebration assembly (maybe on October 27th). 250 bottles have been ordered (due to quantity discounts), so I think we will give these out to all students, staff, faculty and volunteers. (This would mean that we will have to find a different way to thank all those who have raised funds.)
Do you feel the $50 gift cards are enough incentive or should we think of something big... like a Wii Fit Plus?
Any comments are appreciated.
Still looking for someone to oversee the "kitchen" duties, running bibs, participant ribbons.
And please pray that God would give us wisdom and discernment in regards to the jog-a-thon.
We have received a generous donation of "silly bandz" (different brand). I have asked for approximately 5 per student. These bands will be given out perhaps per lap.
Our generous donor of re-usable water bottles will not be able to have them delivered until at least 10/22/10. I think we should have a celebration assembly (maybe on October 27th). 250 bottles have been ordered (due to quantity discounts), so I think we will give these out to all students, staff, faculty and volunteers. (This would mean that we will have to find a different way to thank all those who have raised funds.)
Do you feel the $50 gift cards are enough incentive or should we think of something big... like a Wii Fit Plus?
Any comments are appreciated.
Still looking for someone to oversee the "kitchen" duties, running bibs, participant ribbons.
And please pray that God would give us wisdom and discernment in regards to the jog-a-thon.
Letter To Parents
September 29, 2010
Dear Parents,
The Parent Teacher League (PTL) of Pilgrim Lutheran School is proud to host its first annual Jog-a-thon on Wednesday, October 13th. This event is a great way for our students to participate in an exciting physical fitness activity while raising money to help fund our Spanish Program, Art Literacy Program, fellowship events like the Spring Carnival, other school needs and classroom essentials. This is an important school wide fundraiser, so participation is vital to our students!
What is a Jog-a-thon? Students raise money for the Jog-a-thon by collecting pledges. Students will run for approximately 20 minutes around the Elsie Stuhr grassy area (weather permitting). Everyone will run for fun on the day of the Jog-a-thon whether they have collected pledges or not.
With safety being a top concern, we are encouraging students to only approach people they know. Attached you will find a pledge envelope, sample letter and sample e-mail. (These forms can also be found on Sycamore.) This year we are accepting flat pledges, one flat amount regardless of how many laps the students run. We will accept cash or checks made payable to Pilgrim Lutheran School, with your child’s name and grade written in the memo section of the check.
Children will be able to compete for prizes. Some prizes will be based upon highest amount of pledges collected and some prizes will be given out randomly. Pledge envelopes are due on Wednesday October 13th, but pledges will be accepted until Wednesday, October 20th. Our 2010-2011 PTL budget is $11,000. If each child could raise $75 we would meet and exceed that goal! What is exciting about the jog-a-thon is that all pledges are tax deductible. And an added bonus is that many companies match funds for donations made for education!
We are in need of volunteers to make the Jog-a-thon a success. Please take a few minutes and consider volunteering, it will be a fun day! There will be a sign-up on the PTL bulletin board in the atrium for volunteer opportunities.
There are many ways to help support Pilgrim’s Jog-a-Thon! Donations needed: prizes, gift-cards, silly bandz (those crazy rubber bands kids are wearing these days!), running bibs, oranges, participant ribbons and ice cream.
Thank you in advance for all your generosity. This is going to be a great year!
Sheri Kaetzel
PTL President and Jog-a-thon Coordinator
Dear Parents,
The Parent Teacher League (PTL) of Pilgrim Lutheran School is proud to host its first annual Jog-a-thon on Wednesday, October 13th. This event is a great way for our students to participate in an exciting physical fitness activity while raising money to help fund our Spanish Program, Art Literacy Program, fellowship events like the Spring Carnival, other school needs and classroom essentials. This is an important school wide fundraiser, so participation is vital to our students!
What is a Jog-a-thon? Students raise money for the Jog-a-thon by collecting pledges. Students will run for approximately 20 minutes around the Elsie Stuhr grassy area (weather permitting). Everyone will run for fun on the day of the Jog-a-thon whether they have collected pledges or not.
With safety being a top concern, we are encouraging students to only approach people they know. Attached you will find a pledge envelope, sample letter and sample e-mail. (These forms can also be found on Sycamore.) This year we are accepting flat pledges, one flat amount regardless of how many laps the students run. We will accept cash or checks made payable to Pilgrim Lutheran School, with your child’s name and grade written in the memo section of the check.
Children will be able to compete for prizes. Some prizes will be based upon highest amount of pledges collected and some prizes will be given out randomly. Pledge envelopes are due on Wednesday October 13th, but pledges will be accepted until Wednesday, October 20th. Our 2010-2011 PTL budget is $11,000. If each child could raise $75 we would meet and exceed that goal! What is exciting about the jog-a-thon is that all pledges are tax deductible. And an added bonus is that many companies match funds for donations made for education!
We are in need of volunteers to make the Jog-a-thon a success. Please take a few minutes and consider volunteering, it will be a fun day! There will be a sign-up on the PTL bulletin board in the atrium for volunteer opportunities.
There are many ways to help support Pilgrim’s Jog-a-Thon! Donations needed: prizes, gift-cards, silly bandz (those crazy rubber bands kids are wearing these days!), running bibs, oranges, participant ribbons and ice cream.
Thank you in advance for all your generosity. This is going to be a great year!
Sheri Kaetzel
PTL President and Jog-a-thon Coordinator
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